Half-bell carp from the oven

TIME: 50 min. | NUMBER OF SERVINGS: 2 | DISH: dinner

dzwonko z karpia

Romantic dinner with carp? Why not! Baked carp goes perfectly with a glass of dry white wine and fresh bread. In addition, it does not require intensive preparation. Just season it appropriately and put it in the oven. When the carp from the oven is browning at high temperature, you can easily prepare for your date. Enjoy your meal!



  • 1 package of organic bell-carp from Zawólcze
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • oil
  • fresh bread



This is one of the simplest recipes with carp as the main ingredient. To prepare you will need: a knife, a cutting board, a platter and a preheated oven.

  • Prepare the carp for baking. Remove the bell from the packaging and then cut it in half. Place the resulting half-bells on a platter and drizzle olive oil on both sides. Then sprinkle with salt and pepper as desired, also on both sides.
  • Preheat the oven to 230 degrees. Place the fish on the grill and place a tray under it to collect the fat that will drip during baking. Bake the carp for about 45 minutes until it turns brown and crispy.



Baked carp tastes best alone or with fresh bread. We suggest placing them on plates, and next to them put two plates, glasses, dry white wine... and the date is ready!