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Our Zawolcze

Ekologiczne gospodarstwo rybackie Zawólcze. Widok na stawy rybne i malownicze tereny Lubelszczyzny.

Life in Zawólcze has its own rhythm. Each season brings us something new and allows us to enjoy the beauty of Polish nature. We feel at home here, although it is a home not only for us but also for various animals and plants.


Where are we?

Jeśli szukasz Zawólcza na mapie, zerknij na południowo-wschodni kawałek kraju. Leżymy na pograniczu województwa lubelskiego i podkarpackiego, w gminie Gościeradów. To piękne okolice – otaczają nas malownicze tereny m.in. Wyżyny Lubelskiej i Kotliny Sandomierskiej. Na terenie naszego gospodarstwa znajdują się nie tylko stawy, ale też bujne lasy i rozległe łąki. Mamy tu także niewielki drewniany domek, przystań, na której chętnie spędzamy wolny czas oraz oczywiście przetwórnię ryb.


A year in Zawólcze

Polish nature transforms many times throughout the year. It's no different here - Zawólcze in winter is not the same place we see in spring or autumn. From December to February we are covered with snow, and although we still like to stretch our bones by walking around the ponds, we have to make some effort to get through the covered paths. However, the beautiful views are worth the effort. In winter, you can feel the huge space around here, and sometimes we are accompanied by birds that have decided to spend the winter here. It has its charm. Especially when we warm up by the fireplace after a walk.

Ekologiczne gospodarstwo rybackie Zawólcze zimą. Widok na domek, pomost, stawy rybne i las. Ekologiczne gospodarstwo rybackie Zawólcze zimą. Widok na zaśnieżony staw rybny i las.

in spring, Zawólcze becomes colorful. The first sign that we are starting a new cycle is the appearance of water in our ponds (ponds rest from autumn to winter). Along with the water, carps appear in the ponds and after a few weeks it becomes a real mess - it's time for a stormy spawning. The water also attracts birds, so the surroundings become noisier. More sun, in turn, makes everything bloom and turn green. We like this time, we walk longer, have picnics, and when it gets warmer, it's time for the first baths and grilling carp outdoors.

Wiosenny spacer po gospodarstwie rybackim Zawólcze. Widok na ścieżkę, stawy i las. Kąpiel w stawach ekologicznego gospodarstwa rybackiego Zawólcze. Widok na chłopca skaczącego do wody.

In summer, Zawólcze is usually really lush and very sunny. Nature is alive at 100%, and so are we. Whenever we can, we go for walks and spend time by the water. We enjoy the sun during the day, and in the evenings we relax in our marina with a book or with our loved ones. And when there are downpours and storms (the charm of the Polish summer), a beautiful spectacle takes place over the ponds. It is also a time of hard work, because the inhabitants of our ponds also live a full life and grow up rapidly, so they require frequent supervision.

Lato w ekologicznym gospodarstwie rybackim Zawólcze. Widok na pomost i bujną zieleń. 

Autumn is the second period after spring when everything changes for us. The weather is getting colder, and farm celebrations require warmer clothing. Moreover, at the beginning it is extremely colorful again - trees and bushes "rust" and sparkle with colors. In November, however, Zawólcze begins to resemble an alien planet. This is when we drain the water from the ponds and the landscape of our farm becomes raw and truly Martian. But we even like it. This is a sign for us that another season in BIO breeding is coming to an end, it's time for summaries and Christmas sales.

Jesień w ekologicznym gospodarstwie rybackim Zawólcze. Widok na pomost, staw i kolorowe liście. Późna jesień w ekologicznym gospodarstwie rybackim Zawólcze. Widok na opróżniony staw rybny i ogołocone drzewa.


Not only carp

We are not alone here. And we're not just talking about carp, which accompany us all year round. Whooper and mute swans are frequent guests on our ponds. The first one has earned a special place in our heart - this extremely beautiful bird species does not occur often, so we feel honored that many whooper swans have chosen Zawólcze as their home. We expressed our great sympathy for them by placing their likeness in our logo. Above our heads we can also look out for a white-tailed eagle, white and gray herons and many other smaller birds. Some stay with us for a while, others stay with us for longer.

On the ground it is also very diverse. Wild boars, foxes and wolves live in the surrounding forests. Sometimes we also encounter otters, full of life, and if we are more lucky, we are honored by the presence of a majestic moose.


Our neighbors

In our immediate vicinity there is the Polish Pine Nature Reserve. It is a beautiful place where we like to visit if we want to change the surroundings and take a walk among the trees. It is also close to other parts of the Biłgoraj Plain, Roztocze and other picturesque areas of the Lublin region and Podkarpacie.

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